Blog Posts in 2024

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  • Differences & Similarities Between Divorce & Legal Separation
    Differences & Similarities Between Divorce & Legal Separation

    New clients often do not know the difference between being separated, being legally separated and being divorced. People who are married and no longer living together are "separated". However, they ...

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  • Does Equitable Distribution Mean Equal Distribution
    Does Equitable Distribution Mean Equal Distribution

    A New York divorce applies the laws of " equitable distribution " as do many other states. However, those words are not necessarily the same as "equal distribution". Equitable Distribution is intended ...

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  • Credibility During Divorce
    Credibility During Divorce

    Maintaining credibility during your contested divorce case is so important. When there are no documents on an issue, the judge will likely make a decision based upon who is believable or which ...

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  • What Can I Do When A Parent Refuses To Visit The Child
    What Can I Do When A Parent Refuses To Visit The Child

    The parenting schedule is signed and is court ordered, but the other parent doesn't show up or refuses to come. Next comes the call to my office what can be done. Over the many years I have had ...

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  • Divorce Behavior Matters: Don't Be The Bad One
    Divorce Behavior Matters: Don't Be The Bad One

    Divorce Judges have many questions to sort out when parties appear before them. Some of the most important questions are who is telling the truth and are the parties behaving well or poorly and if so ...

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  • What Makes A Pre-Nup Valid
    What Makes A Pre-Nup Valid

    Pre-nuptial Agreements (Pre-Nups) are designed to determine what happens in the event of death or divorce after marriage. Often Pre-Nups are prepared where there is a significant difference in assets ...

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