Blog Posts in Prenuptial Agreements

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  • What Makes A Pre-Nup Valid
    What Makes A Pre-Nup Valid

    Pre-nuptial Agreements (Pre-Nups) are designed to determine what happens in the event of death or divorce after marriage. Often Pre-Nups are prepared where there is a significant difference in assets ...

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  • Spring Weddings & Prenuptial Agreements
    Spring Weddings & Prenuptial Agreements

    Spring weddings are coming and likewise in the last two weeks I have received calls about drafting or reviewing prenuptial agreements. Sometimes they are never drafted, sometimes they are never signed ...

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  • Prenuptial Agreement Not Valid Due To Overreaching & Unconscionable Execution
    Prenuptial Agreement Not Valid Due To Overreaching & Unconscionable Execution

    Prenuptial Agreements can be valid if they are prepared properly with adequate financial disclosure and opportunity to read, review and seek legal advice. In a recent case both parties had previously ...

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