Blog Posts in Father's Rights

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  • Why Pro Se Divorce Is Not A Good Idea
    Why Pro Se Divorce Is Not A Good Idea

    There is a lawyer saying that being your own lawyer means you have a fool for a client. If lawyers who are trained and admitted to the bar should not represent themselves then it would be reasonable ...

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  • Domestic Violence and Address Confidentiality
    Domestic Violence and Address Confidentiality

    Any person involved in a NY Family Law matter whether spouses going through a divorce or unmarried parents addressing custody and child support matters, asset distribution, separation or former ...

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  • Time To Start Planning Children's Summer Vacation Schedule If Separated or Divorced
    Time To Start Planning Children's Summer Vacation Schedule If Separated or Divorced

    Summer vacation schedules can often lead to conflict between parents. Some parents, if already divorced or separated, may have a settlement agreement that provides for which parent has the right to ...

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  • Should I Seek A Divorce Based On Adultery
    Should I Seek A Divorce Based On Adultery

    Does the "Scarlet A" make a difference in NY divorce results? For most people the answer is probably not other than perhaps the emotional victory as to proving fault and a small additional sum of ...

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  • Divorce Issues Related To Extra-Curricular Activities
    Divorce Issues Related To Extra-Curricular Activities

    For many divorced parents the issue with extra-curricular activities ("EC") is primarily about what percentage does each pay or what financial limits are set for these activities. However, EC can also ...

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  • Divorce or Family Court: Do I Need An Attorney If The Other Side Does Not Have An Attorney
    Divorce or Family Court: Do I Need An Attorney If The Other Side Does Not Have An Attorney

    With online do it yourself videos, forms and artificial intelligence should I spend the money and hire an experienced family law attorney? The simple answer is "YES". Now before you think well I am an ...

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